Data Structures

Deque Implementation using Circular Array

Circular Array implementation can be the preferred choice for Deque when the data is limited in size. This would be faster since the array has a better cache locality for the CPU.

See Deque Implementation using Doubly Linked List for dynamic and large data.

1. Representation

An array with the size of 8 is represented here in circular form for quick understanding.

Double Ended Queue (Deque) implementation using Circular Array
Double Ended Queue (Deque) implementation using Circular Array
// Queue maximum capacity
#define CAPACITY 8

// Deque
int queue[CAPACITY];
// Front position
int front = -1;
// Rear position
int rear = -1;

2. Implementation of Deque using Circular Array in C++

 * C++ example to demonstrate Deque implementation using Circular Array
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Queue maximum capacity
#define CAPACITY 8

 * Deque implementation using Circular Array
class Deque
    // Queue
    int queue[CAPACITY];
    // Front position
    int front;
    // Rear position
    int rear;
    // Constructor
    Deque() : front(-1), rear(-1) {}

    // Insert the new element at Front side
    void insertFront(int element);

    // Insert the new element at Rear side
    void insertRear(int element);

    // Delete the element from Front side
    int deleteFront();

    // Delete the element from Rear side
    int deleteRear();

    // Print the Queue
    void display(string msg);

    // Check if the Queue is empty
    bool isEmpty();

    // Check if the Queue is full
    bool isFull();

// Insert the new element at Front side
void Deque::insertFront(int element) {
    // Step 1. Check if the Queue is full, and return if true.
    if (isFull()) {
    // Step 2. Move the Front by one position backward based on
    // the below conditions
    if (isEmpty()) {
        // If the Front is -1 (queue is empty), initialize the
        // Front and Rear to point the first index
        front = rear = 0;
    } else if (front == 0) {
        // If the Front is 0, move Front to the last index
        front = (CAPACITY-1);
    } else {
        // Otherwise decrement the Front by one position.
    // Step 3. Insert the new element at Front
    queue[front] = element;

// Insert the new element at Rear side
void Deque::insertRear(int element) {
    // Step 1. Check if the Queue is full, and return if true.
    if (isFull()) {
    // Step 2. Move the Rear one position forward based on
    // the below conditions
    if (front == -1) {
        // If the Front is -1 (queue is empty), initialize the
        // Front and Rear to point the first index.
        front = rear = 0;
    } else if (rear == (CAPACITY-1)) {
        // If the Rear is at the last index, move Rear to first index
        rear = 0;
    } else {
        // Otherwise increment the Rear by one position.
    // Step 3. Insert the new element at Rear
    queue[rear] = element;

// Delete the element from Front side
int Deque::deleteFront() {
    // Step 1. Check if the Queue is empty, and return if true.
    if (isEmpty()) {
        return -1;
    // Step 2. Retrieve the element at Front
    int element = queue[front];

    // Step 3. Move the Front by one position forward based on
    // the below conditions
    if (front == rear) {
        // If Front and Rear are at the same index, reset 
        // Front and Rear to -1
        front = -1;
        rear = -1;
    } else if (front == (CAPACITY-1)) {
        // If Front is at the last index, move Front to first index
        front = 0;
    } else {
        // Otherwise increment the Front by one position
    return element;

// Delete the element from Rear side
int Deque::deleteRear() {
    // Step 1. Check if the Queue is empty, and return if true.
    if (isEmpty()) {
        return -1;
    // Step 2. Retrieve the element at Rear
    int element = queue[rear];

    // Step 3. Move the Rear by one position backward based on
    // the below conditions
    if (front == rear) {
        // If Front and Rear are at the same index, reset 
        // Front and Rear to -1
        front = -1;
        rear = -1;
    } else if (rear == 0) {
        // If Rear is at index 0, move Rear to last index
        rear = (CAPACITY-1);
    } else {
        // Otherwise decrement the Rear by one position
    return element;

// Print the Queue
void Deque::display(string msg) {
    cout << msg << endl;
    if (isEmpty()) {
    cout << "INDEX | ELEMENT" << endl;
    cout << "------+--------" << endl;
    int i=front;
    while (true) {
        // Just frame the Front & Rear pointers to print
        string ptrs = "";
        if (i == front && front == rear) {
            ptrs = " <-- front, rear";
        } else if (i == front) {
            ptrs = " <-- front";
        } else if (i == rear) {
            ptrs = " <-- rear";
        // Print the element
        cout << "  [" << i << "] | " << queue[i] << ptrs << endl;
        // Navigate to next position
        if (i == rear) {
        } else if (i == (CAPACITY-1)) {
            i = 0;
        } else {
    cout << endl;

// Check if the Queue is empty
bool Deque::isEmpty() {
    if (front == -1) {
        return true;
    return false;

// Check if the Queue is full
bool Deque::isFull() {
    if ((front == 0 && rear == (CAPACITY-1)) ||
        (front == (rear+1))) {
        return true;
    return false;

// The main function to begin the execution
int main()
    // Create a Deque
    Deque queue;
    // Insert Front
    queue.display("Queue after inserting 5, 3, and 1 at the Front side");
    // Insert Rear
    queue.display("Queue after inserting 10, 20, and 30 at the Rear side");
    // Delete Front
    int element = queue.deleteFront();
    queue.display("Queue after deleting an element at Front");

    // Delete Rear    
    element = queue.deleteRear();
    queue.display("Queue after deleting an element at Rear");
Queue after inserting 5, 3, and 1 at the Front side
  [6] | 1 <-- front
  [7] | 3
  [0] | 5 <-- rear

Queue after inserting 10, 20, and 30 at the Rear side
  [6] | 1 <-- front
  [7] | 3
  [0] | 5
  [1] | 10
  [2] | 20
  [3] | 30 <-- rear

Queue after deleting an element at Front
  [7] | 3 <-- front
  [0] | 5
  [1] | 10
  [2] | 20
  [3] | 30 <-- rear

Queue after deleting an element at Rear
  [7] | 3 <-- front
  [0] | 5
  [1] | 10
  [2] | 20 <-- rear

3. Deque Operations using Circular Array

3.1. Insert Front

An element can be inserted at the front side by finding a free space prior to the Front position.


  1. Check if the Queue is full, and return if true.
  2. Move the Front by one position backward based on the below conditions
    • If the Front is -1 (Queue is empty), then initialize the Front and Rear to point to the first index.
    • If the Front is 0, move the Front to the last index.
    • Otherwise, decrement the Front by one position.
  3. Finally, insert the new element at the Front.


The example demonstrates inserting the elements 5, 3, and 1 at the front side of an empty Deque.

Empty Deque using Circular Array
1. Initial Deque
  • The initial Deque is empty
  • So, the Front and Rear are set to -1
2. Deque after insertFront(5) using  Circular Array
2. Deque after insertFront(5)
  • If the Front is -1, then set Front and Rear to first index 0.
  • Insert the new element (5) at the Front.
 3. After insertFront(3)
3. After insertFront(3)
  • If the Front is 0, set Front to the last index 7.
  • Insert the new element at the Front.
4. After insertFront(1)
4. After insertFront(1)
  • Decrement the Front by one position
  • Insert the new element at the Front.

3.2. Insert Rear

An element can be inserted at the rear side by finding a free space after the Rear position.


  1. Check if the Queue is full, and return if true.
  2. Otherwise, move the Front by one position forward based on the below conditions
    • If the Front is -1 (Queue is empty), then initialize the Front and Rear to point to the first index
    • If the Rear is at the last index, move the Rear to the first index
    • Otherwise, increment the Rear by one position.
  3. Finally, insert the new element at the Rear


The example demonstrates inserting the elements 10, 20, and 30 in Deque.

1. Deque before insertRear
1. Deque before insertRear
  • Let’s take the following Deque and perform insertRear operations.
2. Deque after insertRear(10) using Circular Array
2. Deque after insertRear(10)
  • Increment the Rear by one position.
  • Insert the new element at the Rear.
 3. After insertRear(20)
3. After insertRear(20)
  • Increment the Rear by one position.
  • Insert the new element at the Rear.
4. After insertRear(30)
4. After insertRear(30)
  • Increment the Rear by one position.
  • Insert the new element at the Rear.

3.3. Delete Front

An element can be removed from the front side by moving the Front position to the next element.


  1. Check if the Queue is empty, and return if true.
  2. Otherwise, retrieve the element at the Front
  3. Then, move the Front by one position forward based on the below conditions
    • If the Front and Rear are at the same index, then reset the Front and Rear to -1
    • If Front is at the last index, move Front to the first index
    • Otherwise, increment the Front by one position


The example demonstrates deleting three elements from the front side of Deque.

1. Deque before deleteFront
1. Deque before deleteFront
  • Let’s take the following Deque and perform deleteFront operations.
2. Deque after deleteFront() using  Circular Array
2. Deque after deleteFront()
  • Retrieve the element (1) at the Front.
  • Increment the Front by one position.
3. After deleteFront()
3. After deleteFront()
  • Retrieve the element (3) at the Front.
  • IF Front = 7 (last index), set Front to 0.
4. After deleteFront()
4. After deleteFront()
  • Retrieve the element (5) at the Front.
  • Increment the Front by one position.

3.4. Delete Rear

An element can be removed from the rear side by moving the Rear position to the previous element.


  1. Check if the Queue is empty, and return if true.
  2. Otherwise, retrieve the element at the Rear
  3. Then, move the Rear by one position backward based on the below conditions
    • If the Front and Rear are at the same index, then reset the Front and Rear to -1
    • If the Rear is at index 0, move the Rear to the last index
    • Otherwise, decrement the Rear by one position


The example demonstrates to deletion of three elements from the rear side of the Deque.

1. Deque before deleteRear
1. Deque before deleteRear

  • Let’s take the following Deque and perform deleteRear operations.
  • 2. Deque after deleteRear() using  Circular Array
    2. Deque after deleteRear()
    • Retrieve the element (30) at the Rear.
    • Decrement the Front by one position.
    3. Deque after deleteRear()
    3. Deque after deleteRear()
    • Retrieve the element (20) at the Rear.
    • Decrement the Front by one position.
    4. After deleteRear()
    4. After deleteRear()
    • Retrieve the element (10) at the Rear.
    • If the Front and Rear are the same, then reset them to -1
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