Data Structures

Circular Queue Implementation using Array in C++

Array implementation can be the preferred choice for Circular Queue when the data is limited in size. The Front and Rear position works similarly to the Simple Queue except it can circle back to the first position when it reaches the end.

See Circular Queue Implementation using Linked List to deal with dynamic data.

1. Representation

An array with the size of 8 is represented here in circular form for quick understanding.

Circular Queue Implementation using Array
Circular Queue Implementation using Array
// Queue maximum capacity
#define CAPACITY 8

// Queue
int queue[CAPACITY];
// Front position
int front = -1;
// Rear position
int rear = -1;

2. Circular Queue Implementation using Array

An example program to implement the Circular Queue using Array. This object-oriented implementation encapsulates the Queue data structure using a c++ class.

 * C++ example to demonstrate Circular Queue implementation using Array
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Queue maximum capacity
#define CAPACITY 8

 * Circular Queue implementation using Array
class CircularQueue
    // Queue
    int queue[CAPACITY];
    // Front position
    int front;
    // Rear position
    int rear;
    // Constructor
    CircularQueue() : front(-1), rear(-1) {}
    // Enqueue new element to the Queue
    void enqueue(int element);
    // Dequeue the element from Queue
    int dequeue();
    // Returns the Front element without deleting it
    int peek();
    // Print the Queue
    void display(string msg);
    // Check if the Queue is empty
    bool isEmpty();
    // Check if the Queue is full
    bool isFull();

// Enqueue new element to the Queue
void CircularQueue::enqueue(int element) {
    // Step 1. Return if the Queue is full, proceed otherwise
    if (isFull()) {
    // Step 2. Move the Rear position
    if (front == -1) {
        // Step 2.A If Queue is empty, set Front and Rear to point the first position.
        front = rear = 0;
    } else if (rear == (CAPACITY-1)) {
        // Step 2.B If Rear reached the last position, move Rear to first position
        rear = 0;
    } else {
        // Step 2.C Otherwise increment the Rear to next position.
    // Step 3. Insert the new element at Rear
    queue[rear] = element;

// Dequeue the element from Queue
int CircularQueue::dequeue() {
    // Step 1. Return if the Queue is empty, proceed otherwise
    if (isEmpty()) {
        return -1;
    // Step 2. Retrieve the element at Front
    int element = queue[front];

    // Step 3. Move the Front position
    if (front == rear) {
        // Step 3.A If this is the last element, reset Front and Rear to -1.
        front = -1;
        rear = -1;
    } else if (front == (CAPACITY-1)) {
        // Step 3.B If Front reached the last position, move Front to first position
        front = 0;
    } else {
        // Step 3.C Otherwise increment the Front to next position
    return element;

// Returns the Front element without deleting it
int CircularQueue::peek() {
    if (isEmpty()) {
        return -1;
    return queue[front];

// Check if the Queue is empty
bool CircularQueue::isEmpty() {
    if (front == -1) {
        cout << "Queue is Empty" << endl;
        return true;
    return false;

// Check if the Queue is full
bool CircularQueue::isFull() {
    if ((front == 0 && rear == (CAPACITY-1)) ||
        (front == (rear+1))) {
        cout << "Queue is Full" << endl;
        return true;
    return false;

// Print the Queue
void CircularQueue::display(string msg) {
    cout << msg << endl;
    if (isEmpty()) {
    cout << "IDX ELEMENT" << endl;
    cout << "---+-------" << endl;
    for (int i=0; i < CAPACITY; i++) {
        if (front <= rear) {
            if (! (i >= front && i <= rear) ) {
                cout << "[" << i << "] " << endl;
        } else if (front > rear) {
            if (! (i >= front || i <= rear) ) {
                cout << "[" << i << "] " << endl;
        if (i == front && front == rear) {
            cout << "[" << i << "] " << queue[i] << " <-- front, rear" << endl;
        } else if (i == front) {
            cout << "[" << i << "] " << queue[i] << " <-- front" << endl;
        } else if (i == rear) {
            cout << "[" << i << "] " << queue[i] << " <-- rear" << endl;
        } else {
            cout << "[" << i << "] " << queue[i] << endl;

// The main function to begin the execution
int main()
    // Create a Queue
    CircularQueue queue;
    // Enqueue elements (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50)
    queue.display("Queue after inserting 10 20 30 40 and 50");
    // Get the peek element
    int element = queue.peek();
    cout << "Peek element returned " << element << endl;
    // Dequeue the elements from Queue
    element = queue.dequeue();
    cout << "Dequeue element returned " << element << endl;
    element = queue.dequeue();
    cout << "Dequeue element returned " << element << endl;
    queue.display("Queue after removing 10 and 20");
    // Enqueue elements (60, 70, 80, and 90) to check circular behavior
    queue.display("Queue after inserting 60, 70, 80, and 90");
Queue after inserting 10 20 30 40 and 50
[0] 10 <-- front
[1] 20
[2] 30
[3] 40
[4] 50 <-- rear
Peek element returned 10
Dequeue element returned 10
Dequeue element returned 20
Queue after removing 10 and 20
[2] 30 <-- front
[3] 40
[4] 50 <-- rear
Queue after inserting 60, 70, 80, and 90
[0] 90 <-- rear
[2] 30 <-- front
[3] 40
[4] 50
[5] 60
[6] 70
[7] 80

3. Operations of Circular Queue

Here, we discuss the operations performed on the Circular Queue with an Array.

3.1. Enqueue on Circular Queue

Enqueue operation inserts a new element on the rear side of the Circular Queue. If the Rear reaches the last index, then it can circle back to the first index when there is an empty space available.


  1. Return if the Queue is full, proceed otherwise
  2. Move the Rear position with any one of the following steps
    • If Queue is empty, set Front and Rear to point to the first position.
    • If Rear reached the last position, move Rear to the first position
    • Otherwise, increment the Rear to the next position.
  3. Insert the new element at the Rear


The queue is empty initially and the Front and Rear are set to -1. The following steps illustrate enqueuing the first element to an empty Queue.

1. Initial Circular Queue
1. Initial Circular Queue
2. Enqueue the first element (10) to Circular Queue
2. Enqueue the first element (10) to Circular Queue

The Front and Rear point to some valid position when the queue is not empty. The new element is inserted if there is a space left at the Rear side and the Rear will be changed to point to the new element.

3. After Enqueue(20) to Circular Queue
3. After Enqueue(20) to Circular Queue
4. After Enqueue(30)
4. After Enqueue(30)

Assume that the Rear moved to the last position of the Array after inserting the elements 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80. The Front moved to position 2 after dequeuing elements 10 and 20. An enqueue operation at this stage should insert the new element at index 0 to mimic the circular behavior.

5. Circular Queue after several operations
5. Circular Queue after several operations
6. Enqueue of element (90) circles back to the first index
6. Enqueue of element (90) circles back to the first index

3.2. Dequeue on Circular Queue

The dequeue operation removes an element from the Front side of the Queue. The Front position can also circle back to the first index when it reaches the end of the array.


  1. Return if the Queue is empty, proceed otherwise
  2. Retrieve the element at the Front
  3. Move the Front position
    • If this is the last element, reset the Front and Rear to -1.
    • If Front reached the last position, move Front to the first position
    • Otherwise, increment the Front to the next position


The queue must be non-empty to perform the Dequeue operation. The element present at the Front will be retrieved and the Front will point to the next position.

1. Circular Queue before Dequeue
1. Circular Queue before Dequeue
2. Dequeue the first element (10)
2. Dequeue the first element (10)

The procedure for Dequeuing the last element differs in Step 3. The Front position can not be moved because the next element is unavailable. In such a case, the Front and Rear will be reset as -1 to indicate the queue is empty.

3. After Dequeue (20)
3. After Dequeue (20)
4. Dequeuing the last element (30)
4. Dequeuing the last element (30)

Assume that the Front moved to the last position of the Array and the Rear is at index 1 after circling back. A dequeue operation at this stage should move the Front to index 0 to mimic the circular behavior.

5. Circular Queue after several operations
5. Circular Queue after several operations
6. Dequeue of element (80) circles back to the first index
6. Dequeue of element (80) circles back to the first index
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